Happy New Year...and farewell!
1/04/2010 12:42:00 AM
Daily Updates,
Pop Culture,
Happy New Year! As we bring in 2010, and a new decade, I also have new things happening, and to cut things short, I must bid farewell to this Blog. I know I haven't been very active on this since the winter break, but that's because I've been busy at work getting the new site I will be a part of up and ready for the launch in the new year. This doesn't mean I'm done with blogging, but just that you can find all the same content you've come to enjoy on this site, plus more at http://blog.premierproductions.ca/.
This blog, at least in the near future, will be converted into my personal blog - void of all content but purely for me to rant, comment, and post things that are important to me on a personal level. I know that this has been a long and hard journey to get to where I'm at now, starting at just 100 or so visitors per month, to now with 4,400+ unique visitors, and 6,314+ page views per month. This site went through a complete rehaul in the layout and name, and with it multiple revisions to the blog format to what it is now. But it's because I've reached this far that I've decided to move my blogging services to the Premier Prod.'s blog. Not only does it give me more access to media content, but also allow bigger and better content that I can post utilizing their resources.
I want to personally thank each and everyone of you who have supported, commented, criticized, and otherwise leached all the stuff on this site, and I look forward to providing you new and exciting content in the new year and decade at my new destination...
Until the next post, I bid you farewell!
PS: Enjoy Skillz's annual track, the "2009 Rap Up".
Skillz... 2009 Rap Up (an annual tradition of course).
Click HERE for the track "2009 Rap Up" by Skillz.
(*NOTE: I do not provide/host these files, click on your own discretion!)
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