THE HANGOVER - sounds like a movie that's bred to be a disaster eh? I mean, who wants to watch a movie about four guys who decide to go to Las Vegas for a bachelor party, and after a promise of a good night over Jagermeister, to promptly wake up to a singed chair, chickens, a tiger in the bathroom, a baby in the closet... and the groom-to-be missing. Sounds like a mess right?

But that's the point. After a reckless night in the city of Sin, two best friends Phil (Bradley Cooper, Wedding Crashers), Stu (Ed Helms, The Office) and a brother-in-law-to-be Alan (Zach Galifianakis, Comedy Central) wake up and can't find the groom Doug (Justin Bartha, National Treasure)... or remember what happened the night before. As the day progresses on, as they find more clues as to how their night went, things start to go from those touching memories of "I'm never going to drink again" (and a healthy dose of "WTF we did WHAT last night???")

And that's what makes this movie, well, fun. It's sight gags, constant jokes, bickering, and surprises from the night before that make the movie well-paced and funny. It keeps throwing nice little twists (so that you don't question it) but enough to keep you guessing and amused throughout it. The plot is simple enough to make a plausible storyline out of it, and there's no "nah that can't happen" scenes - it's all stuff that can happen to you, and that's what makes it so funny. Not to mention the sheer contrasts of character from the cast, and the dialogue that keep it rich and constantly coming. And did I mention it's well paced (probably the only problem Old School had from being a classic) ?

If there was any comedy coming out this year, this is the one to see. I would even rate it one of the better movies of this year. It's light-hearted, yet serious enough to enjoy, and gentle yet raunchy enough to feel great about it - it'll keep you smiling and laughing as you recall your wasted nights...and days recovering from the night before.

I give it 4 stars out of 4 stars.

The movie is rated R for good reason (pervasive language, sexual content including nudity, and some drug material), and runs for 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Click HERE for the trailer.
(*NOTE: I do not provide/host these files, click on your own discretion!


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