Obama - Cartoon Edition

4/23/2009 06:51:00 AM , 0 comments

I just read this on BBC - and it brings up an interesting point. Obama hasn't really been ripped to shreds - both in paper and in drawing due to his positive appeal to not only Americans but to the rest of the world.

"He's superman at the moment - young, black, good-looking, progressive," says British cartoonist Andy Davey.

With almost a 100 days passing since Obama came in to the White House, he's been portrayed as the Light in the coming Darkness, the hunter of bad policies, and even a tornado.

"Political cartooning is usually a negative art-form but with Obama there's a sense of hope," says Dr Benson.

In America, its almost the same feeling.

"Most of us are being taken in by his charm and charisma. It's difficult not to like him - he's competent, smart and it's such a relief after what went before," says Ted Rall, President of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists.

But among some, he says, it has almost become a "cult of personality."

Check out some of the cartoons below, and leave a comment on what you think!

Source @ BBC.


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