As the New York Times reports, hugging is the "new" way to communicate "hello" amongst teenagers. With girls hugging girls, boys hugging girls, and boys hugging boys, its "baffled" parents who are used to things like a handshake, high-five, and otherwise one syllable greetings that "used" to be the norm.

Principals and the school board have noticed it too - going as far as to enacting a 3-second rule where any hug that lasts longer that that is considered inappropriate and punishable. Wait, what???

I mean, I see nothing wrong with hugs!

This article spews so much crap that it makes you wonder if the reporter is high-off something. I mean, what's so important if teenagers hug each other??? Was is THAT big of a deal that it needed to be printed in the NYTIMES? Countless other nations have people doing half-hugs and a kiss on the cheek for a greeting, while others keep their distance and bow. Its about time Americans have something different, no matter how effeminate it may be.

It does make sense, however that kids are feeling more and more disillusioned with the virtual world. With less "face-time" compared to previous generations, more human contact is obviously desired. However, all these people are taking this all too seriously. Even the kids who are doing it, are making it the "hip" thing to do - thinking people who don't do it are "weird". I'm sorry to say, but back in the day if you were trying to hug a dude and you happen to be a dude...well you know how you would get labelled. But now its the opposite??? It's funny how times change so quickly.

What strikes me as even weirder is how these kids say goodbye in emails/texts:

"Katie Dea, the San Francisco eighth grader, as well as Olivia Brown, 11, who lives in Manhattan and is the younger sister of Gabrielle, the LaGuardia High freshman, have a new sign-off for their text and e-mail messages: *hug.*"

Well, I've always stated how amazed I am at American stupidity and this article, the author (SARAH KERSHAW), the schools involved, and the countless idiotic children/teens who are involved are beyond idiotic. Hugs have been around for ages, and if they want to hug - let them. Just stop creating something out of nothing and go back to focusing on how the American economy has caused the world so much grief.


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