7/01/2009 08:05:00 PM 0 comments

For those who didn't read the previous post, I'm trying this new daily personal post thing... we'll see how it goes.

Thanks everyone for making June my most successful month - I had the most visitors, page loads, and responses this month. Some basic stats: 3, 526 page loads and 2,495 unique visitors for the month of June (or 117.5 page loads and 83.2 visitors per day), which makes it 12,076 total page loads, and 8,113 total visitors since my Blog went live last year (since my re-launch in April 2009, 6,199 page loads and 4,217 visitors). This is great, considering I just started this (relatively recently) on a daily basis - and I want to thank everyone again who came to visit despite my constant posting on Facebook and Twitter and harassment otherwise - keep coming for more, as if it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't be doing this still.

That being said, tell your friends and keep getting people to check it out - if you have any songs, videos, images, art, media, etc... that you want to share, don't hesitate to email me @ crookswrook@gmail.com.

Check out today's posts of the following: MJ Tribute Video/Song, Mario, Consequence, and Ace Hood.

Have a good Canada Day for my fellow Canadians (I'm firing up the BBQ now in celebration, :D ), and a good Wednesday to the rest of you.



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